April 07, 2013

Women and the world...

I read somewhere that most of the work in the world gets done by women. And surely it did not surprise me. But as I also notice many women do not mind not getting credit for all the work done, however excellently. It is more like an acceptance that the world is surely an ungrateful place.  This may be a smarter way to live, much better than getting angry about the insensitivity followed by helplessness. It is easier changing your attitude than the world's, you see. And of course modesty is a supreme virtue of women or that is the expectation.
I saw a woman in an old sari with a bag skillfully balanced on head and another bag in her hands get into the public bus. One of the ladies sitting closer to the door tried to help her. Only two seats were occupied by women of the entire section of the bus reserved for women. Even when pointed out that the woman with the bags should get a place to sit none of the men seemed to budge, the woman did not demand either. Going from the woman's appearance and that of her bags it was evident that she was neither rich nor educated, may be a laborer, which made those men assume there was no need to oblige, as if those qualifiers were needed to make her woman enough than she already was, to deserve a seat!
And why is it a man’s world? Because young boys learn from example that its easier or rather no harm being a jerk as women don’t mind being treated shabbily at times, and one could get away with bad behavior without any fear of punishment? And that although all people are equal, there seems no harm in assuming that women can be treated inferior without any cause of regret or reproach? With lack of role models and women tolerating the nonsense or just not taught that they are no less equal, feminism, I wonder at times, seems more of an educated woman’s way of making herself feel better, make herself seem like a thinking person and give a hope of changing something someday to make things better for herself. But with so many small things working against you, it is an ardent task to keep a faith in such thoughts. 

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