Had been to Chennai last week. I had been told about the heat and the soaring mercury levels, but my roomie had told me it would be much better during this time of the year as the monsoon has set in. I hoped it is so. But the first feeling that I had coming out of the AC coach of Chennai express was, "Is the pantry coach right beside this one, how come I dint notice while getting in?". I felt I was standing in front of a hearth. The humidity adding to the heat is what is very discomforting. The rucksack that I was carrying immediately seemed more than I could handle. My father's only discomfort seemed to appear in his knitted brows, rest of it he was dealing pretty fine. I regretted wearing jeans, why had I not thought of an-all-cotton-ware. Every sweat gland in my body seemed over working. Adding to that I was shocked to hear an auto driver tell me he would take us to our hotel which was just 6-7 kms from the station for just Rs.150? Even the prepaid auto cost us Rs.85. The thing is standing in the Chennai sun would make any sane person offer any amount of money to just get away from the heat. To my surprise the auto drivers, whether they are standing out luring passengers or driving, dont sweat at all! And most locals dont sweat. I know I shouldnt be very surprised as the locals are well adapted to the weather, but when you appear like a container overflowing with water, it kind of seems offensive that the hosts dont even sweat! On a more serious note, the city has its own pluses and minuses, like any other. The roads are good, food is good, buildings are ok. But the auto fares are atrocious, no foot-paths on many of the main roads! And then I could not understand this bit at all!
We wanted to explore T.Nagar, where we were put up, on foot. It was late in the evening and much cooler than the day. Some of the streets had footpaths. The walk was quite pleasant until we ended up on a main road with no foot path at all! The next morning we were careful not to choose the main roads and stuck to the smaller roads. The weather was very pleasant and we enjoyed the walk.
I have heard that Chennai is a great place to shop for clothes. The next time I go will probably do it. I must have been very biased about the city as I was comparing it with Bangalore in every aspect, which probably is unfair, but which probably I cannot help. But the overall experience was enjoyable. The next time I visit the city(I may need to go there for a week or two in a week or two on some official work again!), if I get to stay a little longer, I will definitely try to see it in a more objective way.
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1. Mind your own business. You do not run the show and have no control of what happens, give your best and keep going. 2. Read books. Rea...
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Had been to Chennai last week. I had been told about the heat and the soaring mercury levels, but my roomie had told me it would be much bet...
It doesnt matter what else the city has to offer, the humidity is unbearable...:)
we chennaites r mean ppl .. we have got a boon tht except us anyone else who enters the city (esp with a preconceived biased notion) will sweat their gut out
Dilip, blr is the culprit, thats what makes other places bland!
Sansmerci, thanks for the hot and humid comment :)
i think madras is like the cranky grandmother with a scathing tongue, that only family can love & sometimes, even like. the rest just run away! if you are not born here, its a very difficult city to like. closed culture, merciless montonous weather, tyrannous automen etc etc.
didya go for visa interview? coz that is where I put up when I went, T.Nagar. thankfully, when I went it was a surprisingly cloudy day so didn't sweat much. but yeah, lack of footpaths was biggest killer.
Thanks Meera for the insider's insight.. :)
Yo Req..
Bit different experience you have. when I went it was drizzling a bit, meaning the rain was coming to an end. Allthe way till Chennai, I was wondering, why these people have their houses in ponds?? Once I landed in Chennai, I got to know that , it was not pond, but the sewage water which didn't had a way out!!!
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