April 06, 2013

TV surfing...

Saw "The terminal" again after a long time. Love this movie. There is something very basic in the movie I can connect to. There are lots of people who cannot speak English and I know many personally. It is a very touching story of one such person who comes to New York to fulfill a promise and how he does it against all odds is so moving. The scenes where he watches what is happening in his country and tries to find out by trying to read and make sense of the headlines appearing at the bottom of news channels and asking desperately to people in the only language he knows, puts a lump in my throat and I so badly want to be there helping Tom Hanks character with the translation. The end somehow makes me feel good about things.

I watched "Ek mein aur ek tu" in parts. Sort of liked the movie. Not sure if I liked it because I watched in parts! Cute characters, movie seems a mocktail of sorts, in the sense reminds you of quite a few movies :P  Yeah, I liked it.

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