March 29, 2013

But then it happens...

I am mostly a positive person. An optimist to the core. I believe that smiling can fix things. I have written things that I enjoy the most about life in the blog mostly. At the most sometimes, rant. But then I feel down and out too. I sometimes feel let down by people. Am not ok at times. I fail at things, I feel inadequate, I regret not working harder or not wanting something badly enough, I crave, am angry, wonder why I dont enjoy enough, find myself vulnerable, wish I was stronger or wiser, wish I wouldn't repeat some mistakes, wouldn't trust people so much, expect less, not give so much, wish I could give a piece of my mind when I was hurt by someone's words, wish I hadn't cared so much for some people or wish I hadnt ignored some people, not shared so much myself with some people, and sometimes people just seem plain cruel. Sh*t happens. It does. And it is absolutely ok not to be ok.

I dont want to sign off on a positive note which I usually do to cheer myself  up. Its ok not to be ok. 

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