May 06, 2014

Nice place...huh?

Sometimes it feels like things aren't happening in life. At least not the things you are waiting for to happen, at the pace you would have liked.

But imagine the people during World Wars. All they hoped was for peace. For the world to be restored to a place where young people can fall in love, children can play around, men and women could go to back to their regular jobs and lives, where all the world hoped was for the usual stuff to happen. There were people in those times who hoped against all odds that the world would go back to what it once was, despite the wars, the holocaust, concentration camps, nuclear bombs...

And the world went back to being peaceful, although it took years of human misery and suffering before the wars finally ended.

And today most people think and wonder if the world is becoming a far less nicer place to be in. Life may not be kind or easy. May be it never was, so no reason it may soon become otherwise..
But people never gave up, either on themselves or on love and peace. So hang in there, things take a while to get better. :)

1 comment:

Rajath Vijayakumar said...

Nice one...just shows how beautiful your mind is! :)

Must Dos to remain sane...

1. Mind your own business. You do not run the show and have no control of what happens, give your best and keep going. 2. Read books. Rea...