January 03, 2008

Here comes the new year!

My resolutions for the new year..Well though will not have any, but then on seconds thoughts, which I always have, have come up with this list:

1. Not to take anyone(including myself ) seriously.
2. Not to have any expectations from anyone. This I guess will be the toughest one. God help me with this.

This should do. These can infact can I bet ensure a life time of happiness. But then, I need to also learn to let go of things gracefully, gracefully being the point. Ok wishing myself loads of luck for this and all the folks on blogosphere a very happy new year!

P.S: Losing weight somehow dint make it to the list, and am glad about that one!


Anonymous said...

well, u dont need to lose weight....in ur own words 'round is also a shape' :D

Pratibha said...

Thanks rohit for posting a comment(however mean it was - and in some aspects am thick skinned you know)! :) Keep visiting the blog, and ofcourse do comment!

Guna Vishwa said...
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Guna Vishwa said...

Whatever happened to 'Simple and Normal' New Year Resolutions like Saving Money/ Learning a new Language/ Reading that book.
I miss being a kid when these were important to me.
I have stopped making Resolutions. It just adds to the already lengthy To Do list.

Must Dos to remain sane...

1. Mind your own business. You do not run the show and have no control of what happens, give your best and keep going. 2. Read books. Rea...