September 27, 2006

News making news...

There was a time when I was amused how dad managed to actually sit through the entire news program on national TV. I would also wonder why he watched news in all three languages (reginal, hindi and english) spaced every one hour or so. The news presenters always looked at some place where probably the lines to be read appeared. Or even better some would glance at the paper they held and read it. The best presenter used to be one, of course according to me, the one who made you feel she/he was looking at you and talking rather than actually struggling to read either from the paper or some screen. Then came the era of cable TV. Dad continued to watch the news despite strong opposition from me. I just could not figure out how he could watch that drab of a show when there were so many other things waiting to be watched. Now I am quite surprised that I end up watching a lot of news channels myself. Of course it probably runs in the family to try and keep oneself better informed about the current happenings. But I would definitely say news presenting has come a long way. Its done very effectively. These are seasoned reporters, who do their homework well, not just report but mostly do the ground work themselves. They are journalists not just presenters. The confidence shows. Amazing people, amazing shows.

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