August 10, 2009

Some more cleansing…

When I first came to know I had to also clean the toilet sometimes here, since people who stay with me also take turns to do it, no maid comes over to clean it - it was like “no way“. So had I never cleaned a toilet before, well it now looks almost shameful to admit, but - “No”. I couldn’t understand how I would do it. It was not about not knowing how to clean it, it was about “me” and “cleaning the toilet”. Somehow something felt out of place. I put on the gloves and felt the smell of the cleaning agent was very strong and suffocating. I cringed at the thought. I just told myself it had to be done and so do it as fast as possible and be done with it. Ever since, I have cleaned the toilet a few times, but now I don’t cringe at the thought. It is just another chore. Last time I cleaned it, I took a good look and took some pride at my literally neat job. It has in its own way cleaned me of some notions which I dint need in life - anyways!


requiem said...

I'd almost forgotten I had blogspot account too. Discovered it when imported my RSS bookmarks. Isn't that way life goes too? Most times we shy away from cleaning up a mess, mostly to avoid the act of cleansing itself. But once done, we wonder why we never did it before.

Life's lessons at the bottom of the toilet bowl... could make for an interesting book title (:

dilip said...

To be honest, i think u shd feel happy that u had a glove atleast..:) Most people have to do it without it..:)

Bindu Kumar said...

make it a habit to clean things around you...don't feel ashamed of doing it as long as u do it ...once it becomes habitual u can clean everything no matter what comes your way.. u know what i mean...aint u ?

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