January 24, 2009
Aaaaah well....
I feel completely out of place(Oops! oh yes I am!) several times, but I smile and move on. I need to learn how things work, how the system works, how people interact and a hundred more things.
I am learning and I am unlearning. It is tiring at times, leaving all that, that was familiar and learning old things the new way. It is fun sometimes. But it is an experience for sure.
America America…
So finally I am where I wanted to be for quite a couple of years. The United States of America. Now I had these crazy ideas that I would be very happy being here – well not very sure why. Yes after being here for about three weeks now I have grown as a person for sure. I, who had not even taken a domestic flight to anywhere changed four flights, saw as many airports and travelled for more than 36 hours. And all by myself. I mean there were other people in the plane, but none that I knew of. And I did a pretty good job for a first-timer. I did not lose any baggage or miss any flight! I saw snow fall in real, for the first time in my life. It was weird. I had imagined it somewhat different. I am surprised at my ability to take sub zero temperatures, one day it was close to -25 degree centigrade. In Minneapolis, that is not so uncommon.
Now I am a pretty decent cook, and may be more organized. I have seen only snow for the last 3 weeks. Hope to see more colours(I still cant get “color” the American way!) and more Sun!
Must Dos to remain sane...
1. Mind your own business. You do not run the show and have no control of what happens, give your best and keep going. 2. Read books. Rea...
This world is a damn unfair place to be. This was what I was thinking when I my mobile beeped last evening. I felt very strongly it was from...
When passion becomes vocation one becomes successful… may be. Dont know what makes some people successful and some not. Other than the persp...
Had been to Chennai last week. I had been told about the heat and the soaring mercury levels, but my roomie had told me it would be much bet...