July 05, 2005


I sometimes feel very curious about some (ya sometimes small)things. For example I want to know all commands in VI..when I watch my TL use it do all magic(so many things are possible and for me what I dont understand is pure magic until I learn the tricks!) Learning by oneself is sheer joy, it stays with you for long. Not just that it gives you the joy of discovering, its like you opening a beautifully wrapped gift. And the gift always turns out to be great, however small the piece of information you learn! Hmmm...for some time now I was practicing some of these tricks and time just seemed to fly..I still feel I want to play with these for some more time!


Anonymous said...

I had a learnt a few tricks and nice things from my physics prof. Six years later, i was teaching them to my students and the joy at their amused looks and yells like "Whoa.Awesome" still ring in my ears

Unknown said...

ya - i especially was awed by the 'flame test' we used to perform in the chemistry lab. i was caught on more than one occasion for burning up some rare and costly metal - don't remember its name, used to give a crimson red flame! strontium was it??

Pratibha said...

Thanks.Hmm..nice inputs, I guess we are never too old to learn new stuff. Only difference could be as we grow older we dont let ourselves be awed by things around easily!

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