January 16, 2008

Just wondering...what if...

When passion becomes vocation one becomes successful… may be. Dont know what makes some people successful and some not. Other than the perspective ofcourse. And the best part is people whom the world recognizes as "successful" mostly were not even looking for it. They probably followed their hearts, did just did what they liked. I was wondering what I would have ended up being (Currently other than fixing bugs for a living, I am a full time whiner).

Was wondering what would I have been had I followed my heart. I would probably be a dancer. Had learnt classical dance for four years, but at that time was too young to enjoy it. The classes were in the evenings and always felt it eats up my play time. And I was not a kid who appreciated discipline (okay dont think any kid would). Classical dance seemed very methodical and tiring at that time. Standing (or was it sitting!) with your knees bent through the entire rendition was traumatic(for a kid that is). I gave lame excuses to bunk classes, hardly practiced at home and gave up, or rather finally was allowed to give up. It was much later that I realised if there was any music I enjoyed I could neither recollect the lyrics nor the tune. But to my amazement could find a movement to each beat of the song if I happen to hear it again. At home while listening to music cant resist moving my head or tapping my feet. Sometimes I even increase the volume, sing aloud and dance. The only regret is I did not learn any form of dance.

I also like probably would love to be a TV anchor for a travel and food show. I always envy these people. They get paid for doing it! Imagine being the host for programs like "Best spas across the globe" or some such fancy named show, "Foodie" or some such food-travel program. You go around meeting people, learning facts about the place. Good food, nice places and everything free and what more you get paid for doing all of it! Ok, agreed am over simplifying the stuff, there may be a lot of research going on behind every episode, lot of effort in making sure the information provided is as authentic as one can get under all the prevailing constraints. And unlike presenters of olden days who probably got the script ready, these days if one goes by the titles displayed at the end of the show (see, I care to read them!) say that the presenter does a lot more than just presenting the show. But then the point is when you enjoy it, you enjoy it!

When I was in school, I used to like VJs and thought that was a “cool” job. But I grew up to be more misanthropic as days went by and the idea of talking to absolute strangers seemed such a turn off! For a while Astro-physics seemed interesting. I was a part of a sky gazing club. We spent evenings on a terrace near my house spotting constellations, stars and planets. But research needed far more discipline and really good grades. So ruled out!

Then I loved reading. Thought if I become an editor of a publishing company I could read manuscripts – books before they came to the shops, thats how I saw them at the time! But then there would be scores of people writing like me(not demeaning myself, but people who write more for pleasure than as a career, well how does that matter?, ok whatever), may be getting a good material is like searching for a needle in a hay stack..not sure why, but dint take up the idea seriously.

As a kid I loved my teachers. My love for people depends far more on them than myself (same applies to dislike as well, this is my theory so no questions entertained.) These were interesting wonderful people who made me feel teaching was a great job. I cant explain why, may be peer pressure, may be glamour quotient(!!!!) associated with it, or God knows what I did not become a teacher. Whatever little I know on anything, I still find myself good at explaining it to others. And surprisingly I remain patient when someone asks for a re-run of the explanation (may be I hear it as “once more”!!). Enjoyed going down the memory lane..and luckily still believe in the self-made thumb rule in life…I may whine, I may be unhappy for a while, I may think a lot, I may do anything I chose to at the moment about something from the past but then, ”No regrets, whatsoever”.


dilip said...

Its never too late for anything..:) So if u still havent started what u love, u should go ahead and start doing it..:)

Pratibha said...

Thnx Dilip for the comment...am still finding out if there is something that can make me big-time crazy about it, crazy enough to do just that...things interest me and then after a point i seem to lose the interest(may be by nature am a little restless)...the search is on and hope I find it sooner.. :)

Anonymous said...

"And surprisingly I remain patient when someone asks for a re-run of the explanation....."
you love yourself, don't you?

Dewdrop said...

nice post dear. I could really associate to it. Teacher, editor, etc were all in my list also. :)
But yeah, lets see where my chosen profession will take me now.

Pratibha said...

Thnx rohit and dews for your comments..

Rohit, I do love myself, its a rhetoric question to anybody I suppose...if you dont let youself to love you, how wud you let others do so..hehehe..Amen!

Dews-All my best wishes for a great career in your new found "love".

Anonymous said...

dancer, tv host, scientist, teacher
quite a lot :-). perhaps u shuld try acting. Gues u've tried ur hands at that as well.

Nice one :-)

Pratibha said...

Thank you so much for the comment SK :) "perhaps u shuld try acting" - Now this is interesting..I used to do plays in school, but do you think I necessarily need a stage to showcase my talent.. ;) keep commenting..

Guna Vishwa said...

:-) I too have my own list of "Things I wanted to become".

I wanted to be a teacher because I wanted to take revenge against my Teacher's kid by beating them up. :-D

I wanted to be like my Mother because she got to stay Home when I had to go to school.

I wanted to be a Movie Star. I dont mean by the work they do. I just wanted all the "Money, Fame and Glory"

But I became a boring Software Engineer.

FirstRayM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

couldn't really resist from replying to this :). All the time i used to remind myself "There is never a wrong time to do a right thing" till i was a bit confused off late about whats the right thing now.Somehow i found this interesting video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1R-jKKp3NA
You can just connect the dots looking back not looking forward :) cheers wishing all the good luck.

Pratibha said...

Thanks Guna and Raghu for the comments..
Guna, interesting career option and even better reasons! :)
And Raghu, hope you continue to overcome the resistance and keep commenting!

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1. Mind your own business. You do not run the show and have no control of what happens, give your best and keep going. 2. Read books. Rea...