January 22, 2013

To awesomeness...

Well, the title has not much to the actual content of the post! Its the 200th post on the blog and just feels good to know.
I watched 2 interesting movies over the last few days:
One was a Korean movie called "My sassy girl". It was a sweet romantic comedy, the movie felt slow and dragging in some places but overall a cute movie. There were scenes in the movie that feel a little strange, may be due to the cultural difference, but the joy, pain and insecurities that young people go thru seem the same all over the world. A nice watch.
There was a Tamil suspense thriller called "Pizza" that I watched. It seems somewhat like a "Kahaani" kind of a movie. It seems like a horror movie at first, then reveals some interesting psychological aspects and when you feel you got all the plot, the story gets a surprising twist. A good watch. If you are a horror movies fan, it may not scare you much, but for people of my type - who keep away from full on horror movies, this one seems just creepy for a while than scary, go ahead, watch it for the twists.
This post is dedicated to Barney Stinson, one of the interesting characters on TV. It is awesome that this is my 200th post on the blog and what does one think of when one says "awesome"- of course, Legend-wait-for-it-dary Barney! :P

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