December 24, 2012

Pencil sketches!

I have been interested in pencil sketches for some time now. I used to do sketches during lectures in college. They wouldn't be elaborate, just enough to help me not sleep in the classes after lunch! I used to also sketch at (very long) office meetings for the same reasons!

I made a few sketches of some of my ear rings. Am fond of junk jewelry. I just started off sketching them and realized it is actually fun – I still need to work on the relative proportions, the shades. I could only find an HB pencil and a sharpener at home. I need to buy some lighter and darker grades of pencils and of course an eraser(yeah really, dont have one right now, LOL!)!!! Am planning to get myself a pencil sketching tool kit - and I just hope I remember to keep using it! I move from one interesting stuff to another and then much later wonder why I dint pursue an interest when it is so much fun! 

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